Serverless and Azure Functions in Izmir

It’s been just three months I visited Izmir, Yasar University for their Google Developer Groups DevDays Conference. To be honest, that’s actually when their IEEE Student Branch convinced me to join them again, but this time for their conference called “Today’s Technologies 2018”. Myself and our resident Xamarin Guru, Visual Studio and Development Technologies MVP Yiğit Özaksüt took a flight and spent the weekend with the students in Izmir.

Getting started with Azure Functions and Serverless

The first day was the conference itself. Because just three months ago I presented Azure Functions and Serverless in the same university, I was planning to go a little bit deeper. Surprisingly, when I asked “How many people were here when we did the Serverless session?” just a couple hands were up. So, there I started from 101 :) and did my Serverless and Azure Functions Intro session.

The second day wasn’t part of the conference. It was kind of a private hands-on-labs day for interested students. Together we developed an entire iOS and Android app built with Xamarin and backed by Azure Functions.

Busy weekend right? It was as much fun as it was busy :). Huge thanks to every member of IEEE Yasar University for their efforts making all this happen. Keep it up folks!